
Showing posts from June, 2019

Energy flows where intention goes..

Set an intention for the day or even for the week can create a positive focus for the day and for weekend as well. Setting a daily or weekly intention helps break the automatic negative response to a positive and beautiful way of living. I would like to suggest "joyful tidying" as today's intention.  My house is a mess, guess what it took 5 days to tidy everything up since i came home for semester break. I'm dedicating this sem break to my hobbies and keeping my home tidy! I did not intend to qada' tidur all days in this semester break. Cleaning the house is my priority and set in my to-do-list.  Cleanliness is discipline and the state of my home impacts my feelings and thoughts.  I start with my room first, I hang my coats up, I put my shoes and  my clothes away. Then,  I keep the kitchen and house clean ready for the next day, or next meal. I get things done in an orderly and efficient way.  I create routines for myself that I follow. I'm someone wh